Halo 4 Majestic Map Pack Available To Purchase

26/02/2013 07:35

Halo 4 's Majestic Map Pack is now available to download, offering up three new 'medium-sized' maps to support small team matches and free-for-alls. The maps are called 'Landfall', 'Monolith' and 'Skyline'.

"Landfall’s emphasis is on infantry battles against a glittering ocean on a distant world, while Monolith exposes you to the naked vacuum of space – and the firepower of opposing teams, and Skyline’s distinctly industrial feel provides new challenges in somewhat familiar, but occasionally confined spaces," reads the description on Xbox.com.

You can grab the Majestic Map Pack for Halo 4 now for 800 Microsoft Points, or you can get it with the War Games Map Pass available to purchase for 2000 MSP.